
6. Making the offer


Once you’ve gathered enough information and made your decision, there’s just one more step: making the offer. You need handle this final phase of the hiring process as carefully as the previous steps otherwise, you might lose the candidate or start the relationship on a shaky foundation.

Here are 5 things to help you close the deal:

1. Don’t hesitate.

After you identify your selection, make the offer immediately. Even a one-day delay could cause you to lose your first choice.

2. Make it detailed and official.

Put in writing all pertinent information – proposed start date, title, salary, benefits and any extras you and the candidate may have discussed. If you can’t put these details on paper, you’re not at a point where you can make an offer.

3.Be prepared to negotiate.

If the candidate asks you to raise your offer, you want to be prepared. If you can’t meet the person’s pay expectations, look for ways to modify the rest of the compensation package. For instance, you might provide additional holidays or a performance-based bonus after a specified period. You won’t always be able to accommodate the requests of leading applicants, so you’ll need to decide ahead of time at what point you must walk away.

4. Clarify acceptance.

Ask the person to sign a duplicate copy of the acceptance letter. If the agreement is contingent on further reference checking or skills testing, make sure you include these conditions in the written offer.

5. Induction and keeping in touch.

Correct induction of the new employee is critical to long-term success so this needs to be fully systemised yet flexible enough to suite different levels of employee’s. Send them copies of the employee handbook, policy and procedure manuals or other paperwork. You also might schedule a ‘meet the team session’ or lunch, if appropriate. Make sure every new hire has all the information he or she needs for a successful first day on the job.


This is the last of a 5 part series on how to find the best people for your business. Its not easy but it can be done. If you need a little help call me on 0417 045 252.

All the best in your search for the team that will take your business to the next level.


 I can’t find the right people…Part 1

I can’t find the right people…Part 2

I can’t find the right people…Part 3

I can’t find the right people…Part 4