Hiring the right people…Part 4

5. Reference checking and making your decision The obvious advantage of talking to someone who has worked with a your No 1 pick is that he or she can provide third-party information. Unfortunately, it’s not easy today to get references to open up. Job applicants have sued former employers for giving references they viewed as defamatory. Likewise, some…

Hiring the right people…Part 3

4. Managing the interview Hiring a new employee takes a significant commitment of time and energy because you want to make sure the new addition is going to integrate smoothly with your team. On paper, a particular applicant may seem like an almost ideal match. But unless you’re disciplined and vigilant, you may be impressed by the wrong person…

Hiring the right people…Part 2

2. Finding the right people…continued   So your job adverts and social networking efforts are going ok and your candidate list is building and that’s great. But what if that approach doesn’t work and you need to enlist the expertise of a Recruitment Agency. Recruitment agencies vary enormously with some being professional outfits that add…

Why you should use a Business Coach

12 Reasons why a business coach can help your business You need a Plan 1. You realise that you have not developed a clearly enunciated vision into the future of the business. Where will the business be in 3 and 5 years time, including: revenue projections, bottom-line, financing, cash flow, acquisition strategy, or possibly even…

Succession Plan – Greener Pastures

You need a Succession Plan  There comes a time in every business owner’s life when they must decide how to transition out of their business. Succession planning isn’t just a matter for the over-55s looking down the barrel of retirement, it is a tool every savvy business owner should use to maximise the value of their business when they want their involvement…

How to Set & Accomplish Goals

The Power of Goal Setting for your business If you are like most people, at the start of each year you’ve probably thought about (and maybe even told others) your resolutions for the new year.  But have you made any New Year’s resolutions for your business? Resolutions are just another form of goal setting and…

Time management its personal

TIME MANAGEMENT What is it? Time is a limited resource for most business owners, so it must be efficiently managed if you want to achieve your objectives or goals within the time frame set. It’s about prioritising your routine and resisting the urge to go off on a tangent and do something that you feel…

Business Structures – Pros & Cons

Which Business Structure is the right for you? The costs and risks of each legal structure are quite different.     PROS 1. Sole Trader Easy and low cost to set up Owner has 100 per cent control Less compliance and legal requirements necessary The legal structure is easily changed Owner keeps all the business profits…